Large Format Backpack System (Unique technology providing unmatched wireless performance. Up to 1.8 miles (3km)* LOS wireless communication between wireless devices)
- 12HRN/15WN/22WN Detector options
- Wired & wireless operation modes
- 10” 1500 NIT touch handheld tablet / Android Phone
- MIL-DTL 38999 connectors
- Supports multi-tablet control & display
- 35m cable on a lightweight reel
- Includes NOVO Touch Pro full Software package
- High signal stability in crowded RF environments, such as urban locations and areas with strong electromagnetic fields
- Up to 0.6 miles (1000m) LOS between wireless devices; longer range when elevating on tripods – up to 1.8 miles (3km)
- Multiple wireless devices allow for working “around corners”, obstacles and underground operations
- Each wireless unit becomes a relay (repeater), which automatically connects and automatically relays wireless signals efficiently
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