LAB01 BB 2.0 Ikaros DUO Battery


LAB01 BB 2.0 Ikaros DUO Battery

Availability: 5 in stock

BB 2.0 Series products Artemis, Helios and Ikaros are lights with a powerful and wide UV output. They provide large coverage and weigh less than many comparable products. The mains operated model weighs just 1.2 kg (2.6 lbs) and the battery-operated model weighs just 1.7 kg (3.7 lbs). They are widely used for field inspections or on an MPI bench. They are powerful, penetrant resistant and have an Ingress Protection 68 (IP68 Waterproof).

BB 2.0 Ikaros has been tested to comply with both ASTM E3022-18 and ISO 3059-12 standards as well as with the internal requirements of all PRIMES listed on our website, including Rolls-Royce RRES 90061 and Airbus AITM6-1001.

Weight 1 lbs
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